Friday, August 14, 2020

Tricycle Progress

 Since the last post about Jayden learning to ride the trike on his own power, he has made major strides.

Our church, Santa Fe Christian Church, allowed us to work with him in the sanctuary and we were able to build on his progress without having to stop due to the hot summer conditions.

When the weather is cooler, we love to take him out in the empty parking lot and let him go! If he has the handle bars turned he will go around in circles, which we really love because he is doing it all on his own.

Since he loves music so much, I sing his favorite song when he is peddling. In this video I am not singing, but boy, just look at him go!!

This whole process of him learning took about a year.  We spent a lot of time taking him down a driveway,  but it was easier for him to peddle down a slight slope than to peddle even on a flat surface.

Now when the weather is cool I bring his trike home and he loves to peddle around the block, which is about 1/4 of a mile!

In addition, when we took him in for his eye exam this year we were informed that he is near sighted. We have always been told he saw nothing. He now has glasses and when he rides around the block he seems to love looking around at everything.

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